
Showing posts from December, 2021

Diy Foam sheet craft ideas

 BEAUTIFUL FOAM SHEET CRAFT IDEAS  Wow diy craft with foam ! Glitter foam sheet ideas /Christmas hanging ideas 💡 Most beautiful foam sheet craft / beautiful Cactus Diy MY yt channel has a beautiful collection of diy plant crafts ,especially CROTONS that I shared as diycraft video ,I have been uploading diyideas more frequently now that more people are interested to make their own handmade crafts ranging from diyproject such as vases for handmade flowers or some other stylish cute displays  . I HAVE GIVEN EXPLAINATION FOR ALMOST  ALL MY diyvideos ,especially the ones thats a bit time consuming and needs more details to follow step by step . Plant  diyprojects need more details And yes there are many videos that are very simple  . Roses are easy flowers to makes once you get the gist of it.  Lately Christmas decor diy seems to fill social media and me being a  craft nerd ,loved the idea of maing my own beautiful decors this season .  I wanted to share few doityourself videos for your re

Diy foam sheet crafts

  Diy foam sheet crafts


 DIY EPIPHYLLUM OXYPETALLUM CACTUS  PLANT The diy craft that I decided to make today is   DIY EPIPHYLLUM OXYPETALLUM CACTUS PLANT I saw few of these flowers picture in a nursery and I wanted to try them out ,just like their name suggests these plants bloom only at night itseems and looks gorgeous 😍. This  queen of the night diy  flower diy gave me plenty of ideas for my home decoration . So tried it all out in a week and created a beautiful new idea for making greenery for my home 🏡